Sunday, June 3, 2007

Who Needs Cold Hard Cash? Pics Are Just As Good

It seems, that’s the mentality of some designers. Some designers consider the publicity of modeling their clothes or participating in their shows is the same thing as money. I wonder how the models feel about this because last time I checked, Zed cards aren’t free.

“Soon after I returned from the Femina Look of the Year contest in 1997 I got calls from representatives of various designers asking me to work for them for free in return for ‘a couple of pictures for your book.’ I refused then but it did not take me long to realise that this seemed to be the norm in the industry!”

For Sahiba Singh, who has worked with the likes of Ritu Kumar, Anju Modi and Meera and Muzzafar Ali, it’s simply a case of the supply being much more than the demand. She recalls, “Initially when I started modelling, a few known agencies and designers did ask me to model for them for free and I agreed a couple of times, before realising that I was being taken for a ride and refused. I guess every model goes through this initially. I have been told by coordinators that editorial shoots are not monetarily lucrative but they give the models immense publicity. I think this is unfair, for we are all earning our bread and butter by modelling.”
In my eyes, unless you are Versace, Dolce and Cabana, or some other very well known designer, agent, or other well known in the modeling industry, prepare to fork out the cash and pay the the models.

7 Common Sense Skin Care Tips for Summer

Summer’s quickly approaching in the western hemisphere and that means it’s time for you to pay extra special attention to your skin, otherwise you’ll probably regret it later. These tips are in no particular order because they’re all important to the overall health of your skin.

1. Drink lots of fluids. Water is the best, but any fluids that don’t contain a lot of caffeine, sugar, alcohol, or salt will work. The idea is to keep yourself hydrated; it will help to keep your skin supple.
2. Eat your fruits and veggies. The nutrients found in fruits and vegetables will help your body combat free radicals and other nasties that want to harm your beautiful skin.
3. Keep it natural. Whenever possible, avoid harsh chemicals in your skincare products. Double check the ingredients list and if you have a hard time pronouncing it, you probably shouldn’t be using it. When in doubt, look it up first.
4. Moisturize. Avoid oil based products (just think about what ingredient is used to cook french fries) and select a moisturizer that’s custom tailored for your skin type.
5. Use sunscreen. A number of moisturizers, and even some makeups, are now coming with SPF protection built in. Just remember to use the same rule of thumb as with the moisturizer — avoid oil based whenever possible.
6. Use lightweight make up. Whenever possible, avoid caking it on — you may even want to give bare minerals a shot — and when you’re done with your day (or night) on the town, wash it off and moisturize.
7. Sleep well. When you’re sleeping, your body has a chance to repair all the damage that was done to it during your waking moments. Getting plenty of sleep gives your body plenty of time for those reparations.

And, of course, don’t forget to throw in the occasional facial. Follow these tips and you’re sure to have glowing skin all year long.